John Mirrione
Founder of Harmony By Karate


Sensei John P. Mirrione was bullied severely. Training in karate for 40 years. he is a lifelong teacher and the founder of Harmony By Karate, rated in the top 10 martial arts schools in the U.S. His focus is on the healing aspects of the martial arts. The breakdancing and martial arts expertise lead him to become a well-known solo dance performer. As an Air Force entertainer, he danced all over the country including performances at the Apollo Theater and 72 episodes of Club MTV. Traveling to 17 cities to understand the roots of the bullying crisis in the U.S, he founded the Harmony Power Foundation. Its mission is to “stand up to bullying and stand for human equality.”
His main goal is guiding the planet to heal itself is by empowering humanity to look deep inside and make the necessary changes to make the world a safer, happier, and healthier place to live and thrive.
Kynote speaker with GE 2016 world leadership conference
Sensei John spoke to representatives of 70 countries on empowering employees to be adaptive to technological changes in GE as a company, as well as changes in its corporate structure.
1st mandated anti-bullying program in a major city in US history
As Chairman of the Harmony Power Foundation, he contacted the leadership staff from every school in Elizabeth, NJ, to bring Harmony Power Awards in volume, recognizing children's positive behavior and giving back to their community. These speeches helped launch the 1st Mandated Anti Bullying program in US history, and worldwide, from the Harmony Power Foundation!
Breaking world record to support black lives matter and announcing congressional run
On announcing his congressional run for the 10th district of N, he broke the world record doing 76 jump squats in 60 seconds, as a tribute to "Black Lives Matter" and "Transgender Lives Matter." Supporting the peaceful and positive aspects of such a movement, as more people not of color marched with those of color than any time in history.