Barry Shaw
Writer and lecturer


Senior Associate at the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies specializing in Israeli advocacy, exposing radicalism and extremism related to anti-Semitism and anti-Israel activism. Host of 'The View from Israel' online video show.
Historian, author and speaker specializing on pre-state history. Author of several books including '1917 From Palestine to the Land of Israel 'and 'A Tale of Love and Destiny' which cover the legend of the NILI spy network, the only major espionage network ever to be led by a woman during wartime in enemy-held territory. Other books include 'Fighting Hamas, BDS and Anti-Semitism' and 'BDS For Idiots' designed to help Jewish and pro-Israel students defend Israel on campus.
A Tale of Love and Destiny
How a beautiful Jewish heroine became the only woman to lead a major espionage
network in enemy territory during wartime.
Fighting Hamas, BDS & Anti-Semitism
How to counter the lies of radical anti-Israel Jew haters.
1917. How Christian Zionists and Palestinian Jews liberated the Land of Israel