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Orna Klein - the art of spy

Writer: Avner AvrahamAvner Avraham

Meet our speaker: Orna Klein. She was a Mossad agent, but now she is part of the are world! we asked her to write for our blog!

"I discoverd painting at 30. I drew on anything and everything. I even sold my paintef tshirts. Mostly it gave me joy. When the corona arrived, l could not find the insperation. A year ago l went to a special work shop "travel diary" and booom. It all came back and more.. l found river stones and continued with small rocks that l found in the forest. Painted rocks can hardly be found.. for me it was endless joy. People around me said: you must have a show, you must sell... let other people enjoy. My daughter orgenised a logo and instegram and a facebook page... tomorow is my first sale. 15.9 kochav yair from 16... l also painted special "shana tova greatings" on little rocks..."



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